Crazy Pet Club

16 Things Goldfish Can Eat When Out of Food

16 things goldfish can eat when out of food

Goldfish are delightful and popular aquatic pets that bring joy and tranquility to any space. Proper nutrition plays a vital role in the overall health and well-being of these aquatic companions. While commercial fish food is a staple in their diet, situations may arise when you run out of their regular food supply. In such circumstances, it’s important to know what alternative options are safe and healthy for your goldfish.

This article will guide you through “16 Things Goldfish Can Eat When Out of Food”, to ensure your goldfish stay well-fed even when you’re temporarily out of their regular fish food.

16 Things Goldfish Can Eat When Out of Food

Here is a list of 16 food items that you can feed to your goldfish when ran out of regular fish food.


Zucchini is a nutritious vegetable that can be fed to goldfish. It is rich in vitamins and minerals and provides a good source of dietary fiber. Slice the zucchini into small, manageable pieces before feeding it to your goldfish.

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Green leafy Vegetables:

Green leafy vegetables like lettuce and spinach are excellent options for goldfish. They are packed with essential nutrients and fiber. Chop the leaves into small pieces to make it easier for your goldfish to consume.

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Strawberries can be a sweet treat for your goldfish. They are rich in antioxidants and provide a good source of vitamins. Slice the strawberries into small pieces and remove any seeds before feeding them to your goldfish.

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Similar to strawberries, raspberries are a delicious and nutritious option for goldfish. They contain antioxidants and fiber. Crush or slice the raspberries into small portions before offering them to your goldfish.

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Goldfish can enjoy small pieces of shrimp as a source of protein. Make sure the shrimp is cooked and unsalted. Remove the shell and cut the shrimp into tiny portions before feeding it to your goldfish.


Peas are a popular and easily digestible vegetable for goldfish. They provide a good source of fiber and can help with digestion. Cook the peas and remove the outer skin before feeding them to your goldfish.

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Cucumber is a refreshing and hydrating option for goldfish. It contains essential vitamins and minerals. Slice the cucumber into thin rounds or small pieces before offering it to your goldfish.

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Blood Worms:

Blood worms are a high-protein food option for goldfish. They can be either live or freeze-dried. Feed blood worms to your goldfish as a treat, as they are not suitable for daily feeding.


Goldfish can consume small insects like mosquito larvae, daphnia, or small flies. These provide a natural source of protein and can be found in outdoor ponds or purchased as live or freeze-dried options.

Sweet Potato:

Cooked sweet potato is a nutritious and easily digestible option for goldfish. It provides carbohydrates and vitamins. Mash or slice the sweet potato into small, bite-sized portions before feeding it to your goldfish.

Gel Food:

Gel-based fish foods can be prepared at home using a mixture of gelatin, fish, and vegetables. These foods provide a balanced diet and can be customized to meet the nutritional needs of your goldfish.

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Hard Boiled Egg:

Hard-boiled eggs can be mashed and offered to goldfish as a protein-rich treat. Remove the shells and break the egg into small pieces before feeding it to your goldfish.

Aquatic Plants:

Goldfish can nibble on live aquatic plants in their aquarium. Plants like Anacharis, Java Fern, and Water Lettuce provide additional nutrition and simulate their natural environment.

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Oranges can be given to goldfish in small amounts. They contain vitamin C and other beneficial nutrients. Peel the orange and cut it into small pieces, removing any seeds or pith before feeding it to your goldfish.


Grapes can serve as a tasty snack for goldfish. They are a good source of vitamins and antioxidants. Slice the grapes into small pieces, ensuring they are seedless, before offering them to your goldfish.

Unsalted Cooked Meat:

Small amounts of unsalted cooked meat, such as chicken or turkey, can be given to goldfish as a protein source. Ensure the meat is thoroughly cooked and cut it into tiny pieces before feeding it to your goldfish.

Remember to offer a variety of these foods in moderation and monitor your goldfish’s response. It’s essential to maintain a balanced diet and provide their regular fish food as soon as possible.

Food You Shouldn’t Feed to Your Goldfish

Here is a list of a few food items which you shouldn’t feed to your goldfish.

  • Rice
  • Corn
  • Bread
  • Soy
  • Wild Insects
  • Wheat
  • Rubbers

Supplementary Feeding Tips

When feeding your goldfish alternative foods, here are some supplementary feeding tips to ensure their health and well-being:

Soaking Dry Foods

If you’re feeding dry foods such as pellets or flakes, it’s beneficial to soak them in aquarium water before offering them to your goldfish. This helps prevent digestive issues and ensures the food is easier to consume and digest.

Variety in Feeding

To provide a well-rounded diet, aim for variety in your goldfish’s food options. Rotate between different vegetables, fruits, and protein sources to ensure they receive a diverse range of nutrients. This variety also keeps their diet interesting and prevents boredom.

Monitoring and Adjusting

Observe your goldfish’s feeding behavior and adjust the portion sizes accordingly. Overfeeding can lead to water quality issues and health problems. Goldfish have small stomachs, so it’s important to provide appropriate portion sizes that they can consume within a few minutes.


In times when you run out of regular fish food, it’s essential to know what alternatives are safe and nutritious for your goldfish. Zucchini, green leafy vegetables, strawberries, raspberries, shrimp, peas, cucumber, bloodworms, insects, sweet potato, gel food, hard-boiled eggs, aquatic plants, orange, grapes, and unsalted cooked meat are all viable options to temporarily feed your goldfish. Remember to prioritize their nutritional needs and provide a balanced diet.

By understanding their natural diet and incorporating a variety of food options, you can ensure your goldfish remain healthy and happy, even when faced with a temporary shortage of regular fish food.

Here at crazy pet club, we tried to provide you a complete knowledge about what to feed your goldfish when out of food.

FAQ Section

Can goldfish eat bananas?

Yes, goldfish can eat bananas in small quantities. However, bananas should be given as an occasional treat and not as a staple food. They are high in natural sugars, so moderation is key.

How often should I feed my goldfish?

Goldfish should be fed 2-3 times a day with small portions that they can consume within a few minutes. It’s important to avoid overfeeding, as it can lead to health issues and poor water quality

Is it safe to feed goldfish with live insects?

Yes, goldfish can be fed live insects such as small flies or mosquitoes. However, ensure the insects are free from pesticides or other harmful substances that could be present in their environment.

Can goldfish eat cooked rice?

Goldfish can eat small amounts of cooked rice as a treat. However, rice should not be a significant part of their diet. Ensure the rice is plain and free from seasonings or additives.

What are some signs of overfeeding in goldfish?

Signs of overfeeding in goldfish include bloating, floating near the water surface, decreased appetite, and increased waste production. It’s important to feed goldfish in moderation to maintain their health and prevent water quality issues.