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How To Take Care Of Gold Fish? A Complete Guide

How To Take Care Of Gold Fish?

Have you ever wondered “How To Take Care Of Goldfish?” It’s quite easy to learn about the care of Goldfish. Once you learn, you will be a pro in fish keeping.

Goldfish are one of the most popular freshwater fish kept as pets around the world. They are known for their attractive colors, playful behavior, and relative ease of care. However, taking proper care of goldfish requires some knowledge and attention to their needs.

In this guide, we will cover some essential tips for keeping your goldfish healthy and happy.

How to take care of gold fish
How To Take Care of Gold Fish?

How to Take Care of Goldfish

Some important steps in Goldfish care, are given below:

steps to take care of gold fish
Steps to take Care of gold fish

Tank set-up and Maintenance.

The first step in taking care of Goldfish is setting up and maintaining an aquarium. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Choosing the right tank size

Goldfish need plenty of space to swim and grow. So, it’s important to choose the right size tank. The recommended tank size for one Goldfish is 20-30 gallons (75-113 liters). Additionally, you need to add 15 gallons of water with each extra goldfish. If the tank size will be small, goldfish will not grow.

With proper fish tank size, goldfish can live up to 20 years. Yes! You heard right, 20 years!

A good equation to calculate fish tank size according to fish is given:

fish tank size

According to the number and length of fish, fish tank sizes vary. You also need to upgrade tank size as your fish grow in size.

Adding right gravel

Goldfish like to play with gravel and are often prone to get gravel in their mouth. This could be dangerous for them, as it can stuck in their throat and can lead to death.

clean algae from aquarium rocks

So, it is better to use either large gravel or small gravel. But the most recommended is large-size gravel, as short ones can cause digestion problems

  • Make sure to clean your gravel before putting it into the tank. Numerous aquarium rocks require washing, or your aquarium will be shady or messy. Regardless of whether you have recently gotten it, a wash and soaking in some water for a day will draw out a portion of the contamination and assist with guaranteeing that your goldfish are getting the best climate to prosper in. Avoid using any chemicals
Installing filter

Goldfish produce a lot of waste, therefore it is better to use a filtration system in the tank. The filter should contain 3 steps:

  1. Mechanical filtration
  2. Chemical filtration
  3. Biological filtration

Mechanical Filtration: This stage of filtration removes physical debris such as uneaten food, fish waste, and other debris from the aquarium water. Mechanical filters usually consist of a sponge or filter pad that traps these particles as the water passes through.

Biological Filtration: This stage of filtration involves the growth of beneficial bacteria that help break down harmful chemicals, such as ammonia and nitrite, into less harmful compounds such as nitrate.

This process is called the nitrogen cycle and is crucial for maintaining a healthy aquarium ecosystem. Biological filtration is usually provided by filter media such as ceramic rings, bio-balls, or bio-foam.

Chemical Filtration: This stage of filtration removes dissolved impurities from the water, such as dissolved organic compounds, heavy metals, and odors.

This type of filtration is often provided by activated carbon or other specialized filter media that absorb these impurities from the water. Chemical filtration can be especially important in certain situations such as removing medication from the water after treating sick fish.

Decoration and light of the tank

Decorations and lighting in a goldfish tank can play an important role in creating a healthy and visually appealing environment for your fish.

  • Decorations such as rocks, caves, and plants can provide hiding places, resting areas, and additional surfaces for beneficial bacteria to grow. These decorations can also create a more natural-looking habitat for your goldfish, which can reduce stress and promote overall health.
  • When it comes to lighting, goldfish generally require around 12-14 hours of light per day. This can be achieved through natural sunlight or artificial lighting, such as fluorescent or LED lights. It’s important to provide a consistent light schedule and avoid sudden changes in lighting, which can stress out your goldfish.
  • Lighting can also impact the growth of plants in the tank, which can provide additional benefits for your goldfish. Live plants can help oxygenate the water, absorb waste, and provide a natural food source for your fish.
  • When selecting decorations and lighting for your goldfish tank, it’s important to consider the size of your tank, the number of fish, and their behavior. Some decorations, such as sharp rocks or small objects, can be dangerous for goldfish, so it’s important to choose decorations specifically designed for aquariums and goldfish.

Fill the tank with water

Filling a fish tank with water may seem like a simple task, but it’s important to do it properly to avoid any issues or problems for your Goldfish. Here are some tips to fill your fish tank with water:

  • If you’re using tap water, it’s important to add a water conditioner to remove chlorine, chloramines, and other chemicals that can be harmful to fish
  • To avoid disturbing the substrate or decorations in the tank, fill it slowly using a hose or pitcher. Avoid pouring the water directly onto the substrate.
  • Once the tank is filled with water, check the temperature to make sure it’s within the range recommended for your fish. If the temperature is too high or low, make adjustments accordingly.
  • After filling the tank, let the water settle for at least 24 hours before adding fish. This will allow the water to reach a stable temperature and pH level, and any debris or dust from the substrate to settle.

Before adding fish, check the nitrate cycle

A fish-less cycle includes adding ammonia to a tank and monitoring the nitrate levels to ensure the water is safe for your goldfish to live in. Unfortunately, many fish die after being introduced into a new fish tank because of ammonia and nitrate poisoning. Make sure that you add a de-chlorinator because the chlorine in tap water will kill your fish.

Now, add fish

After setting up and maintaining the aquarium, now is time for fish to be added to the aquarium. If your tank contains other smaller or slower fish, then goldfish will eat them up. So, it is better to use a divider between them.

It is better to keep goldfish with other goldfish, rather than searching for other roommates

Feeding Cycle of Goldfish

Goldfish should be fed a few times a day, but the amount and frequency of feeding will depend on their age, size, and the temperature of the water. Here are some general guidelines for feeding goldfish:

Young goldfish: If your goldfish are less than six months old, feed them small amounts of food 2-4 times a day. Use a high-quality fish food designed for young goldfish, and make sure it is small enough for their mouths.

Adult goldfish: Adult goldfish can be fed once or twice a day, depending on the water temperature. In colder water (below 60°F), they may only need to be fed once a day, while in warmer water (above 70°F), they may need to be fed twice a day. Again, use a high-quality fish food designed for adult goldfish.

Amount of food: Goldfish should be fed only as much as they can consume in a few minutes. Overfeeding can lead to health problems and poor water quality. A good rule of thumb is to feed them an amount that is equal to the size of their eye.

Variety in diet: While goldfish are primarily omnivores and will eat a wide range of foods, it’s important to vary their diet to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients. Supplement your fish food with occasional treats like peas, bloodworms, or brine shrimp.

Maintenance of Water in the Fish Tank

Maintaining the water in a fish tank is crucial for the health and well-being of the fish living in it. Proper maintenance of the water quality can prevent diseases, prolong the lifespan of the fish, and promote their overall growth and development. Here are some tips on how to maintain the water in a fish tank:

Regular Water Changes: Changing the water regularly is one of the most important aspects of maintaining a healthy environment for your fish. Experts recommend changing 10-15% of the water in your tank every week. This will help remove any harmful toxins and pollutants that can accumulate in the water over time.

Monitor Water Parameters: Monitoring the pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels in the water is crucial for maintaining the health of your fish. The ideal pH range for most fish is between 6.5 and 7.5, while the levels of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate should be at zero or as low as possible. You can use test kits to measure these parameters and adjust them accordingly.

Control Algae Growth: Algae growth is a common problem in fish tanks, and it can quickly take over the tank if left unchecked. To prevent algae growth, limit the amount of light the tank receives, and avoid overfeeding your fish

Check and Clean the Filter: The filter is the most important component of a fish tank, as it helps remove waste and debris from the water. Check the filter regularly and clean or replace it as needed. A clogged filter can reduce the water flow and compromise the water quality.

Monitoring the Health of Goldfish:

Monitoring the health of goldfish is essential to ensure they are in good condition and can live a long and healthy life. Here are some tips on how to monitor the health of your goldfish:

Observe their behavior: One of the easiest ways to tell if your goldfish is healthy is to observe their behavior. Healthy goldfish are active and swim around the tank. They should be curious and responsive to your presence. If your goldfish is lethargic, hides a lot or spends most of the time at the bottom of the tank, this could be a sign of illness.

Check their appetite: Goldfish are known to have hearty appetites and will eat almost anything you give them. If your goldfish is not eating, it could be a sign of illness or stress. Keep a close eye on their eating habits, and if you notice a change, it’s time to investigate further.

Check for Swim bladder disease: Swim bladder disease is a common health problem that affects goldfish. The swim bladder is an organ that helps the fish to control its buoyancy and stay at a certain depth in the water. When the swim bladder malfunctions, it can cause the goldfish to have difficulty swimming or even swim upside down

  • Fasting: Goldfish with swim bladder disease may benefit from a short period of fasting. This can help alleviate any constipation and give the swim bladder a chance to heal. Do not feed your goldfish for 24 to 48 hours, and then resume feeding a small amount of food at a time.
  • Peas: Feeding your goldfish cooked, deshelled peas can help alleviate constipation and reduce pressure on the swim bladder. Peas are high in fiber and can help move any blockages through the digestive system.
  • Medication: If the above treatments do not work, you may need to use medication to treat the underlying bacterial infection. Consult with a veterinarian or aquarium expert to determine the best course of treatment.


Taking care of goldfish involves providing them with a suitable environment, a healthy diet, and proper maintenance. The water should be kept clean and well-filtered. Goldfish require a balanced diet that includes both flake and live foods. Overfeeding should be avoided to prevent digestive problems and water pollution.

Maintenance includes regular water changes, cleaning the tank, and monitoring the water parameters. It’s essential to avoid sudden temperature changes and provide a suitable temperature range for the goldfish. Additionally, observing the goldfish for any signs of illness or distress and taking prompt action is critical for their health and longevity. With proper care, goldfish can live for many years and bring joy to their owners.


How often should I feed my goldfish?

Feed your goldfish small amounts of fish food 2-3 times a day, but only give them what they can consume in a few minutes to avoid overfeeding.

How often should I change the water in the fish tank?

Change 20-30% of the water in the tank every week to maintain water quality and keep your goldfish healthy.

What temperature is best for goldfish?

Keep the water temperature between 68°F to 74°F (20°C to 23°C) for most goldfish species, as this range provides a comfortable environment for them.

How big should the tank be for a goldfish?

Ideally, a single goldfish requires at least 20 gallons (75 liters) of water, and you should add an extra 10 gallons (38 liters) for each additional goldfish.

Can goldfish live with other fish?

While goldfish can coexist with certain peaceful fish species, it’s best to keep them with their kind or in a species-only tank to prevent potential compatibility issues and ensure their well-being.