Crazy Pet Club

Discover the Best 13 Tank mates for your Goldfish Aquarium

tank mates of goldfish

When you have a goldfish tank and you want to expand it by adding different varieties of fish. Then you must add fish that are compatible with your goldfish. Although goldfish are hardy and peaceful fish, finding goldfish tank mates is not an easy task.

In this article, we have provided you a complete knowledge that will help you “Discover the Best 13 tank mates for your Goldfish aquarium.”

Factors to Consider when Choosing Goldfish Tank Mates

Goldfish are easy-to-care and non-aggressive fish. But when it comes to selecting tankmates for goldfish, there are several factors to consider for maintaining a peaceful environment.

Size of the Fish

Goldfish can grow quite large, so, it is important to choose tank mates that are similar in size or larger than goldfish. Otherwise, smaller-sized fish can be seen as prey and be attacked by the goldfish.


Goldfish are peaceful and calm fish, the only problem they have is they used to avail all the tank space for swimming. This can create problems for goldfish or other tank mates. Therefore, it is important to choose tank mates that are peaceful and compatible with goldfish. Avoid adding aggressive or territorial fish to your aquarium, as they may attack your goldfish.

Water Requirements

Different fish have different water requirements, some fish live at low pH levels while some live at high pH. Adding fish with vastly different water requirements can cause stress and illness. Therefore, try to add fish that have similar water temperatures and pH requirements as your goldfish.


It’s important to choose tank mates that have a similar diet to your goldfish. While some fish may eat the same food as your goldfish, others may require specialized diets. Make sure you research the dietary requirements of any potential tank mates before adding them to your aquarium.


Observing the behavior of different species of fish is important when choosing tank mates for your goldfish. Avoid adding fish that are known to nip at the fins of other fish or cause stress and aggression in the tank.

Tank Size

Goldfish produce a lot of waste, so it’s important to ensure that your tank is big enough to accommodate the additional fish. A general rule of thumb is to have at least 20 gallons of water per goldfish, plus additional space for any tank mates.

Best 13 Tank mates For your Goldfish

Here is a list of 13 tankmates mates of goldfish

tank mates of goldfish

Hillstream loach

Hillstream loaches are a group of freshwater fish that are commonly kept in aquariums. They are known for their unique appearance, with flattened bodies and sucker-like mouths that allow them to cling to rocks and other surfaces in fast-moving water. They cling to the aquarium glass so strongly that goldfish cannot pull them off

Hillstream Loach

Hillstream loaches are often kept with goldfish in aquariums, as they have similar requirements in terms of water temperature and pH levels. They are also good tankmates for goldfish, as they can help keep the tank clean by eating algae and other debris.

Size2 – 3 inches
Water Temperature65 – 80 F
TANK SIZE15 gallons
CARE LEVELIntermediate
TEMPERAMENTPeaceful Community Fish

White cloud mountain minnow

The white cloud mountain minnow is a small freshwater fish that is native to the mountain streams of China. The white cloud mountain minnow has a slender body and a silver-blue coloration with a distinctive red stripe along its lateral line.

white cloud mountain minnow

They are also known for their lively and active swimming behavior, making them an entertaining addition to any aquarium. These fish are relatively easy to care for and can thrive in a variety of water conditions, including cold water temperatures. They are omnivores,

Due to their peaceful nature, they can be a good addition to the goldfish tank.

Size1.5 inches
Water Temperature18–22 °C (64–72 °F)
TANK SIZE20 gallons

Bristlenose catfish

Bristlenose catfish, also known as bushy nose catfish, is a popular species of freshwater catfish that are native to South America. 

Bristlenose Pleco

These fish have a distinctive appearance, with a flattened body, a wide head, and a bushy nose covered in fleshy whiskers. They are generally peaceful towards other fish and can help keep the tank clean by eating algae and other debris.

Bristlenose catfish can be kept with goldfish in an aquarium, as they have similar requirements in terms of water temperature and pH levels. They prefer a well-planted tank with plenty of hiding places and should be kept in groups of at least three individuals.

Size 4 – 6 inch
Water Temperature 72 – 80 F
TANK SIZE20 gallons
TEMPERAMENTPeaceful grazer

Rosy barb

These fish have torpedo-shaped bodies with bright red coloration and golden accents on their fins. They are relatively hardy and can adapt to a range of water conditions, although they prefer a well-planted tank with plenty of open swimming space.

Rosy Barb
Size4 -6 INCHES
Water Temperature64 – 72 F
TANK SIZE30 gallons

Apple snail

Apple snails come in a plethora of colors and can grow to a larger size, which protects them from goldfish. It can be a perfect tank mate for goldfish.

apple snail

These snails are omnivores and eat leftover food and waste from the tank. Apple snails have a life span of around 2-4 years and they feed on algae and live plants.

Size2 – 4 inches
Water Temperature62 – 84 F
TANK SIZE20 gallons


The platyfish is a brilliant and appealing freshwater fish that can deal with a variety of water temperatures. They really do best in goldfish tanks. Platies are a sort of live-bearing fish that is interesting and fun-loving. They are seen chasing other fish of the same type. Platies can be kept in a goldfish tank if there is enough growth of plants.

platy fish
Size2 – 4 INCHES
Water Temperature70 – 82 F
TANK SIZE20 gallons

Dojo Loach

Dojo loach is also known as weather loach or pond loach. Dojo loaches have long, slender bodies with a mottled brown and yellow coloration. They are known for their ability to sense changes in barometric pressure, and will often become more active before a storm or other weather event.

dojo loach

When it comes to goldfish tank mates, Dojo loach can be the best option because it is a non-aggressive fish.

Size4-6 inches
Water Temperature50 – 73 F
TANK SIZE25 gallons
CARE LEVELIntermediate

Zebra danios

These fish are small and streamlined, with a silver and blue striped pattern that gives them their name. They are known for their active swimming behavior and can be kept in groups of at least five individuals.

zebra danios

Zebra danios are relatively easy to care for and can thrive in a variety of water conditions, therefore, can be the best choice to keep with goldfish. Being active swimmers, they escape themselves from the attack of goldfish.

Size2 inches
Water Temperature66 – 72 F
TANK SIZE20 gallons

Harlequin Rasboras

Harlequin Rasboras are a popular freshwater fish that are native to Southeast Asia. They are known for their striking black and orange coloration, making them a favorite among aquarium hobbyists.

harlequin rasboras

These fish have a slender, torpedo-shaped body with a black and orange striped pattern. They are generally peaceful towards other fish and can make good tank mates for goldfish, although they should be kept in groups of at least five individuals.

Size2 – 4 inches
Water Temperature72 – 82 F
TANK SIZE20 gallons

Checker barb

The checkered barb has an alluring purple-to-blue shading with red or dark balances. The male checkered barb has red blades with dark tips, though the females are plainer in variety.

They can endure cooler temperatures well which permits them to cohabitate with goldfish. The checkered point loves to stick in specie proper gatherings for well-being and they are more qualified to tanks as opposed to lakes.

checker barb fish
Size4 – 6 INCHES
Water Temperature 72 – 82 F
TANK SIZE30 gallons

Rubber lip pleco

They utilize their particular sucker mouth to hook onto glass and wipe the tank clean.

Rubber lip plecos has a gray color with tan spots that make them similar to their surroundings.

rubber lip pleco

Rubber lip pleco can be the best option to keep with goldfish. Because they mind their own business and do not affect goldfish.

Size5 – 6 inches
Water Temperature72 – 82 F
TANK SIZE30 gallons
TEMPERAMENTPeaceful and shy

Mystery snail

Snails are not on the top of the list for goldfish tank mates but Mystery snails have a different status. It is bigger than other freshwater snails and has a huge shell. This big shell protects them from being prey to goldfish.

mystery snail 2

They are omnivores and eat all food remnants, destroyed plants, and algae. Due to this property, they keep the tank clean and healthy.

They are peaceful and can be a good tank mate for goldfish. But you just have to care about their diet. Their diet should contain enough amount of calcium for the growth of their shell.

Size2 – 3 inches
Water Temperature62 – 82 F
TANK SIZE10 – 20 gallons

Hoplo Catfish

Hoplo catfish, also known as armored catfish, is a species of freshwater catfish native to South America. They are known for their armored plating and peaceful temperament, making them popular among aquarium hobbyists.

Hoplo catfish can be kept with goldfish in an aquarium, as they have similar requirements in terms of water temperature and pH levels. However, it’s important to note that Hoplo catfish can grow to be quite large (up to 10 inches), so they should be kept in a larger tank with plenty of hiding places and a swimming room.

Size4 – 5 inches
Water Temperature72 – 82 F
TANK SIZE30 gallons

Fish Species to Avoid Keeping with Goldfish as Tankmates

Don’t keep Goldfish with aggressive tankmates. Goldfish are peaceful fish, they cannot tolerate the aggressive nature of their tankmates.

Also, don’t pair goldfish with fish species that are fond of fin-nipping. Fin-nipping fish become aggressive towards long-tailed goldfish.

Here are some fish to avoid keeping with goldfish:

Betta: Betta fish are known for their aggressive behavior and may attack goldfish. Therefore, it is not recommended as a goldfish tankmate.

Cichlids: Cichlids are also aggressive fish and can harm goldfish

Angelfish: Angelfish are fin-nipping fish and can become aggressive towards goldfish

Tiger Barb: It is also an aggressive fish

Neon Tetra: Neon tetra is a peaceful fish species. They have delicate and long fins that Goldfish can attack

Fancy Guppies: Fancy guppies have long. Flowing fins that can be tempting targets for goldfish to nip and attack

Shrimp:  Goldfish can eat small-sized shrimp, so, it is important not to add them to the goldfish tank.

Benefits of Adding Tank Mates to your Goldfish Aquarium

While goldfish can certainly thrive on their own, there are several benefits to adding community fish to your aquarium. Here are a few reasons why you might want to consider adding tank mates to your goldfish aquarium:

Increased Biodiversity

By adding different species of fish to your aquarium, you can create a more diverse and interesting ecosystem. This can not only be visually appealing, but it can also help to create a more natural environment for your goldfish.

Improved Water Quality

 Some species of fish, such as catfish and loaches, are known for their ability to clean up algae and other debris in the aquarium. By adding these types of fish as tank mates, you can help to improve the overall water quality in your goldfish aquarium.

Behavioral Enrichment

Adding tank mates to your goldfish aquarium can also provide behavioral enrichment for your goldfish. Goldfish are social creatures and may enjoy the company of other fish. Watching different species of fish interact can also be interesting and entertaining for aquarium enthusiasts.

Naturalistic Environment

Adding tank mates to your goldfish aquarium can help to create a more naturalistic environment. For example, adding river fish like minnows or Rasboras, can make the goldfish feel more at home and improve their overall well-being.

Tips and Tricks for Introducing New Tank Mates to Goldfish

Introducing new tank mates to your goldfish can be a tricky process, as it can cause stress and aggression in the tank. However, with some careful planning and patience, you can successfully add new fish to your aquarium. Here are some tips and tricks for introducing new tank mates to your goldfish:

  • Before adding new fish into the aquarium, quarantine them in a separate tank for a few weeks to ensure that they are healthy and disease-free
  • Add new fish to your tank in small groups, rather than all at once. This will help to reduce stress in the tank
  • Watch the behavior of your goldfish and the new tank mates closely for the first few days, if there is any aggressive behavior found, you have to separate the fish.
  • Research and plan the diet schedule of your goldfish and new tank mates to avoid completion for the food.
  • Try to provide plenty of hiding spaces. This will keep fish busy in their own hiding places.
  • Goldfish produce a lot of waste. So, it is important to regularly check and change aquarium water.


As you know Goldfish are peaceful in nature, you should only keep peaceful and calm tank mates with them. All the tank mates of goldfish have almost similar natures.  Keeping tank mates with goldfish will prove beneficial for you. Because most of the fish eat food remnants and algae which helps to keep the tank clean.

Related: How to take care of Goldfish? A complete guide

FAQ Section

Can Goldfish and Betta fish live in the same tank?

It is not recommended to place both fish in the same tank. Because betta is known for their aggressive behavior and can harm goldfish.

Can goldfish live with other goldfish?

Yes! Goldfish are social creatures and when two or more goldfish are kept together they enjoy each other company