Crazy Pet Club

The Ultimate Guide To Cleaning your Acrylic Fish Tank

the ultimate guide to cleaning your acrylic fish tank

Keeping an acrylic fish tank is easier and more comfortable, as compared to a glass tank. The acrylic fish tank looks like a glass tank, but it is strong and flexible.

But it needs some care related to its cleaning. Because it gets scratched easily. So, here is a complete Ultimate guide to cleaning your acrylic fish tank

Why Regular Cleaning is Essential

Acrylic tanks can accumulate harmful chemicals such as ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites that can be harmful to fish and other aquatic life. Regular cleaning can prevent the build-up of these chemicals and keep the water quality in check.

It also helps to prevent bacterial growth. Bacteria can grow rapidly in dirty aquariums, which can be harmful to aquatic life.

Over time, algae, bacteria, and other debris can build up on the walls of an acrylic tank, making it difficult to see the fish and other aquatic life inside. Regular cleaning can help maintain clear visibility and enhance the overall viewing experience.

Moreover, regular cleaning can help to extend the life of acrylic fish tanks. The accumulation of debris and harmful chemicals can weaken the tank over time, leading to cracks and leaks. Regular cleaning can prevent this from happening and ensure that the tank lasts for many years to come.

Materials You Will Need

Clean, soft sponge or cloth: It’s important to use a soft, non-abrasive sponge or cloth to avoid scratching the acrylic surface.

Algae scraper or razor blade: Algae can build up on the walls of the tank, and an algae scraper or razor blade can be used to remove it. Be careful not to scratch the acrylic surface.

Bucket: You’ll need a bucket to hold the water you’ll be using for the cleaning.

Aquarium-safe cleaning solution: You can use a commercial aquarium-safe cleaning solution, or you can make your own using a mixture of white vinegar and water. Avoid using soap or other household cleaning products, as they can be harmful to aquatic life.

Soft-bristle brush: You should use a soft-bristle brush to prevent the aquarium glass from scratching.

 Magnetic glass cleaner: It consists of two parts, both containing magnets. It is used to clean aquarium walls without putting your hand in the tank

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Your Acrylic Fish Tank

Here is a step-by-step guide to cleaning your acrylic fish tank:

Turn off all electrical equipment: Turn off all electrical equipment including lights, filters, and heaters.

Prepare new water: Prepare fresh, dechlorinated water that has the same temperature as the water in the tank.

Remove decorations and accessories: Remove any decorations or accessories from the tank, such as plants or rocks, and place them in a bucket of aquarium water.

Drain the tank: Use a siphon or vacuum to drain about 20-25% of the water from the tank into a bucket or sink.

Clean the interior of the tank: Use an acrylic-safe algae scraper or pad to clean the interior of the tank, making sure to remove any algae or debris. Avoid using abrasive materials or harsh chemicals, as they can scratch or damage the acrylic.

Clean the substrate: Use the siphon or vacuum to clean the substrate or gravel in the tank, removing any uneaten food, fish waste, or debris.

Clean the decorations and accessories: Use an aquarium-safe brush or sponge to clean any decorations or accessories that were removed from the tank. Rinse them thoroughly in the bucket of aquarium water.

Replace the water: Slowly pour the new, dechlorinated water back into the tank.

Reinstall the decorations and accessories: Once the tank is filled with new water, reinstall the decorations and accessories.

Restart the equipment: Turn on all electrical equipment, including lights, filters, and heaters.

Test the water: Test the water using a reliable aquarium water testing kit to ensure that the water parameters are within acceptable levels.

Cleaning with Magnetic glass cleaner

A magnetic glass cleaner is a tool used to clean the inside of an aquarium glass without having to put your hands inside the water. The cleaner consists of two parts: an external magnet and an internal magnet.

magnetic glass cleaner

To use a magnetic glass cleaner, follow these steps:

  • Place the external magnet on the outside of the aquarium glass and hold it in place with your hand.
  • Place the internal magnet on the inside of the aquarium glass, directly opposite the external magnet.
  • Move the external magnet around the outside of the aquarium glass, and the internal magnet will follow along on the inside, cleaning the glass as it moves.
  • Continue moving the external magnet until you have cleaned all of the glass.
  • After cleaning, remove the internal magnet from the water and clean it thoroughly to remove any debris or algae.

Note: Not all magnetic glass cleaners are suitable for use with acrylic tanks, as they can scratch the surface. Be sure to check the manufacturer’s instructions before using a magnetic glass cleaner on an acrylic tank.

Tips for Cleaning Acrylic Fish Tank

tips for cleaning fish tank

Cleaning an acrylic fish tank can be a delicate process, as acrylic is softer and more prone to scratching than glass. Here are some tips to help you clean your acrylic fish tank safely and effectively:

Use a soft sponge or cloth: Avoid using abrasive materials, such as brushes or scouring pads, as they can scratch the acrylic surface. Instead, use a soft sponge or cloth to gently clean the tank.

Don’t use soap or other household cleaners: Household cleaners can be harmful to fish and other aquatic life. Use an aquarium-safe cleaning solution or make your own by mixing white vinegar and water.

Be gentle: When cleaning the tank, use gentle circular motions to avoid scratching the surface. Don’t apply too much pressure or use a lot of force.

Clean the tank regularly: Regular cleaning is key to maintaining a healthy and thriving aquatic environment. Aim to clean your tank every week or two to prevent the build-up of harmful chemicals, debris, and bacteria.

Turn off all electrical equipment: Before cleaning the tank, turn off all electrical equipment, such as heaters, filters, and lights, to prevent electric shock.

Use a water siphon: A water siphon can help remove debris and waste from the substrate at the bottom of the tank. Be sure to use a soft siphon hose to avoid scratching the acrylic surface.

Rinse the tank thoroughly: After cleaning the tank, rinse it thoroughly with clean water to remove any residue or cleaning solution.

By following these tips, you can clean your acrylic fish tank safely and effectively, maintaining a healthy and thriving aquatic environment for your fish and other aquatic life.

How to prevent scratches

Preventing scratches on an acrylic fish tank is important to maintain its clarity and beauty. Here are some tips to prevent scratches:

  • Use a soft sponge or cloth: When cleaning the tank, use a soft sponge or cloth to avoid scratching the surface. Avoid using abrasive materials, such as brushes or scouring pads.
  • Clean regularly: Regular cleaning can help prevent the build-up of debris and bacteria that can cause scratches. Aim to clean the tank every week or two.
  • Avoid sharp objects: Don’t use sharp objects, such as razor blades or knives, to clean the tank, as they can scratch the acrylic surface. Use a magnetic cleaner or a soft sponge or cloth instead.
  • Use caution when moving the tank: Acrylic tanks are more prone to cracking than glass tanks, so use caution when moving the tank. Avoid dragging the tank and instead lift it with care.
  • Use protective film: Applying a protective film to the outside of the tank can help prevent scratches from accidental bumps or scratches from pets.
  • Keep decorations and equipment clean: Sharp or dirty decorations and equipment can scratch the acrylic surface. Keep decorations and equipment clean and smooth.

How Often to Clean Your Acrylic Fish Tank?

There is no rule of thumb related to the timeline of fish tank cleaning. It depends on different factors like the number of fish, size of the fish tank, filtration system and nature of the fish.

But it is recommended to clean your acrylic fish tank at least once every two weeks, to avoid intense and deep cleaning.


Now, you know how to clean an acrylic fish tank. It is not difficult to clean an acrylic tank but it only requires some cautionary steps. This includes using a soft cloth and avoid using harsh brushes, to prevent scratches. Acrylic tanks are stronger and easier to keep. They have many benefits over the glass tank.

At Crazy Pet Club we provide you with all types of information related to fishkeeping.

FAQ Section

What are Acrylic fish tanks?

Acrylic fish tanks are aquariums made from a type of plastic called acrylic, which is known for its clarity and strength. They are a popular alternative to glass tanks, as they are lightweight, impact-resistant, and have a higher level of transparency.

Can I clean an acrylic fish tank with vinegar?

It is not recommended to clean an acrylic fish tank with vinegar, as it can damage the acrylic material. Instead, use an acrylic-safe cleaner or mild soap and water solution.

How to clean a cloudy acrylic fish tank?

To clean a cloudy acrylic fish tank, perform a partial water change of about 20-25% and clean the interior of the tank using an acrylic-safe algae scraper or pad.

Can the aquarium be cleaned with a magnetic cleaner?

Yes! An aquarium can be cleaned with the help of a magnetic cleaner.

Do acrylic fish tanks turn yellow?

Acrylic fish tanks turn yellow over time. It is because acrylic is not UV proof, it is only UV resistant.

When exposed to UV light or fluorescent light for a prolonged period, it turns yellow.