Crazy Pet Club

Do Fish Get Bored in An Aquarium? 7 Best Hacks to Cure

do fish get bore in an aquarium

Have you ever wondered, Do fish get bored in an aquarium? This is not a common query that pops up in everyones mind. Many fish keepers keep fish and take care of their food, water quality, and surroundings. But only a few fish keepers worry about fish boredom.

But you should take this matter seriously. Because active and lively fish, everyone wants.

In this article, we have completely explained about fish boredom in an aquarium and some best hacks to cure

Fish Get Bored In An Aquarium

Fish boredom refers to the condition in which aquarium fish become mentally and physically unstimulated due to a lack of environmental enrichment. Aquarium fish are exceptionally smart and dynamic animals that require an invigorating and dynamic climate to flourish.

At the point when they are kept in an aquarium with practically no excitement, they end up being exhausted, stressed, and surprisingly, discouraged.

The feeling and boredom of fish are not like human emotions because it is a different kind of living creature. But they still show some signs that present their boredom.

fish get bore in aquarium

Signs of Fish Boredom

Fish get bored when they don’t have anything new to do and become familiar with the environment.

A tank without any interesting features makes the situation worse. But it is difficult to know if your fish is bored or not. To know your fish’s boredom, you need to understand your fish and learn its common behavior. When you know your fish’s common behavior, unusual behavior will intrigue you that something is wrong with your fish.

Here are some signs that will help you know whether your fish is bored or not.

Decreased appetite

One of the most widely recognized indications of fish boredom is decreased appetite. When your fish are not getting sufficient mental and physical stimulation, they might lose interest in food and quit eating altogether. This can prompt hunger and other medical conditions if the condition is not checked properly.


Fish that are exhausted or stressed become lethargic and inactive. They start to invest the greater part of their energy hiding or resting at the lower part of the tank, rather than swimming around and investigating their environment. This absence of movement can be an obvious sign that the fish isn’t being sufficiently invigorated.


Another common sign of fish boredom that one can see is, your fish is getting engaged in self-harming behaviors such as biting their own fins or rubbing against the walls of the tank. This can lead to open wounds and infections if it is not addressed promptly.

Abnormal Behavior

Fish that are bored or stressed show unusual behavior like swimming in circles or continually shooting around the tank. They also become more aggressive towards their tank mates or show other strange behavior. These strange ways of behaving are an obvious sign that the fish isn’t getting the psychological and physical stimulation they need to flourish.

Mistakes in aquarium design that lead to fish boredom

When designing an aquarium there are many common mistakes that aquarists make which lead to fish boredom, stress, and even illness. It is important to know and avoid making these mistakes to keep our fish happy, healthy, and thriving in their environment.

These common mistakes are:


One of the most common mistakes that aquarists make in aquarium design is overcrowding their tank. They think adding too many and different types of fish, makes their fish happy.

But it is not true, overcrowding leads to fish stress, aggression, and competition for resources such as food and space.  This leads to boredom and lack of stimulation for the fish, as they may not have enough space to swim and explore.

Poor Water Quality

Poor water quality is another common mistake in aquarium design that can lead to fish boredom. Dirty and cloudy water makes it difficult for fish to see and navigate their environment.

Poor water quality also causes health problems in fish such as fin rot and other infections. In addition, poor water quality can also lead to a lack of oxygen in the tank, which can make it difficult for fish to breathe and lead to lethargy


It is a common saying that “Eating less will make you happy”

This quote is not only related to humans but to all living creatures.

Overfeeding leads to fish boredom and many health issues. Excess food can quickly pollute the water and cause poor water quality, as well as contribute to obesity and other health problems in the fish. Overfeeding also leads to a lack of stimulation, as the fish may not feel the need to explore and search for food.

Lack of Maintenance

Neglecting to clean the tank, change the water, and replace filters can lead to poor water quality and a lack of oxygen in the tank, as well as contribute to the growth of harmful bacteria and other organisms that can harm the fish.

You should be careful about aquarium maintenance because it will prevent fish boredom and make them happy and healthy

7 Best Hacks to Cure Fish Boredom

Some of the best hacks to cure fish boredom are discussed here:

Add Live Plants

Live plants not only improve the stylish allure of your aquarium yet, in addition, give a characteristic and invigorating climate for your fish. Live plants offer concealing spots and a safe house for your fish, as well as add to great water quality by eliminating destructive substances.

Provide Hiding Places and Shelter

Providing hiding places and shelter is essential for promoting fish well-being. Hiding places such as caves, tunnels, and rock formations help your fish feel secure and provide opportunities for exploration and play.

Offer Varied and Stimulating Diet

Adding different types of food to your fish plate will stimulate them. Your fish get bored by eating same old fish flakes and pellets, try adding different things like frozen bloodworms or brine shrimps and see the magic begin. You can also add live fish food that will engage fish in hunting them.

Add Mirror

Mirror, Mirror! On the wall who is the active fish of them all? Just as mirror attracts all humans, fish too get attracted to them.

Fish become active and enthusiastic about the mirror reflection and become curious about the fish on the other side. Fish like to play with the mirror and their own reflection. But you should not place a mirror permanently in the tank. Select a schedule to place a mirror in it.

Use toys (ping-pong balls)

You should treat fish like your little kids. As kids like to play with toys fish too enjoy playing with the toys. Toys especially ping-pong balls will amaze your fish. It is a simple yet effective way to cure fish boredom. They are lightweight and easy to handle. Your fish will love chasing and playing with these balls.

Add bubble walls and air stones

Bubble walls and air stones not just improve the aesthetic appeal of your aquarium but also provide stimulation to your fish. The bubbles move the water, which can animate your fish and empower action

Air stones and bubblers offer various advantages to your tank, the clearest is to add oxygen inside your tank for your fish and plants.

In any case, another advantage is that they make bubbles that can entertain your fish.

As the air pockets make rises in the water, the fish will become entertained with them as they swim through them.

Rearrange your Tank

Improving the décor should be the first thing to be done to improve the fish’s mood. A messy and small-sized tank gives an oversaturated look. Rearrange your tanks and all ornaments in a way it looks appealing and decent to the fish and viewers too.

Just adjusting the tank adornments or moving things around is sufficient to keep fish participating in the new aqua environment.


The purpose of keeping fish and aquariums at your home is to make your home look good. The dancing and active fish add more beauty to your tank and attract other people as well. If due for any reason, your fish become lethargic and slow then it is not good because it can be a sign of boredom. Your slow fish can make your mood sad too.

Therefore, to prevent such a situation understand your fish’s behavior, changes in its behavior, and reason for sluggishness. You should try adding and changing fish’s aquatic environment, to make them happy and enthusiastic. To learn more, visit

FAQ Section

Do fish get lonely?

Yes! Fish can get lonely or bored. But fish boredom is not like humans. They show different signs of boredom.

Are there any specific types of fish that are more prone to boredom in an aquarium?

Some fish species are more sensitive to changes in their environment and may be more prone to stress or boredom. Examples include Bettas, certain types of Tetras, and some Cichlids. It’s important to research the specific needs of your fish species and provide them with an appropriate environment

How can I prevent my fish from getting bored in their aquarium?

You can prevent fish from getting bored by providing them with an exciting environment. This include adding plants, rocks, and decorations to the aquarium, providing hiding places, and changing the layout of the tank occasionally.

Can fish become stressed from being in a boring aquarium?

Yes, fish can become stressed if they are in an aquarium that does not provide them with the proper stimulation and environment. This can lead to health problems and a decreased lifespan.

What are some signs that my fish may be bored or stressed?

Some signs that your fish may be bored or stressed include a lack of appetite, lethargy, fin rot, and abnormal swimming behavior. It’s important to observe your fish regularly to ensure they are healthy and happy.